Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nationwide Foodie Finds (vegan)

Hello, travel friends and foodie fam!

If you're subscribed to my weekly newsletter (hint hint, enter your email here!) then you'll know I've been covering a variety of areas regarding food, travel, and veganism in general - one of them being: Foodie Finds.

I have been so excited to share the newest national finds that are coming out, so I wanted to dedicate a blog post strictly to these, in pure appreciation - and to share the knowledge with you, in case you're unawares!

As we all know, the veganism trend is growing quickly - but it's not just about veganism. The big picture we keep getting is that in order for the world to change and slow down the process of global warming, what's on our plates needs to change.

I know. This may be hugely uncomfortable for you to read about. It's uncomfortable for me to write about, too. 

You may be vegan (new or old), you may be vegetarian, you may be a flexitarian or pescatarian who indulges in Meatless Mondays, or you may be an omnivore who only sees vegetables as a garnish for your steak. Wherever you stand: this is about progress. 

What does progress mean? Sometimes, it means baby steps. Doing whatever we can. Who needs to take steps forward? Well... we all do. Here's a little breakdown of what we can do to help, in our own "categories" on the dietary spectrum.


You've been working on yourself for years. You've overcome the bullying (mostly), you've eaten your fair share of salads and french fries, and you've saved countless animals in the farming industry. We've gone the greatest distance as far as minimalizing our global impact: we're vegan!

But there is always more to do, isn't there? 

If you haven't already, go buy yourself some metal straws, bring your own cloth napkins and personal silverware to food truck events, stash reusable containers in your purse/bag/backpack for your leftovers, and for the love of God, try to remember your reusable grocery bags. (The snarky-ness is really just targeted at myself, for that last one.)

Vegetarians, Pescatarians, Flexitarians.

You have your preferences. Veganism may be too extreme for you. Maybe it feels too expensive. Too nit-picky. Maybe you farm your own milks, raise your own chicken to collect eggs, or catch your own fish/meat, or whatever excuse it is that keeps you from going fully vegan. 

I'm not here to judge you on that. In terms of food fights, you're our closest allies, and for that I am grateful. I'm only here to say: keep consuming the least amount of animal products as possible - because every choice you make truly counts. 

Sorry to hand you this burdensome realization, but y'all are the ones that can teeter or totter the scale, by a matter of choosing what you eat on the daily. If every single vegetarian stopped consuming eggs and milk - what would that do to the dairy industry, and other factory farm practices? Imagine: less dairy cows would need to take up space, and they also wouldn't need to be thrown to slaughter when they were done being milked. Less chickens would need to crawl all over each other in cramped spaces and be thrown into the grinder after they're done producing eggs. 

Yes, even when you don't consume the meat, those animals are sent to slaughter after you've received what you want from them. You're still contributing directly to factory farming.

Regardless, everyone makes changes when they're ready. One thing I think we can all agree on here are the words of the Beachbody folks, "Veggies most."


Vegans and vegetarians are crazy, right? Extreme. Radical. Democrats. --wait, wrong blog... your political party actually doesn't freaking matter here. 

BRINGING IT BACK: without giving up meat or becoming a democrat - DANGIT - scratch that.

Well, what the heck can you do? 

You can start by reading blogs like this one. And for that, I applaud the heck out of you. Thanks for being here. Informing yourself is probably the number one thing an omnivore can do. Without being informed, we cannot make informed choices. 

Instead of going meatless forever, or for even an entire day, maybe just be conscious of the one meal you're capable of eating that doesn't contain any meat. Pat yourself on the back for that. Brag about it to your vegan cousin. Share the recipe with them! (Snowflakes love bonding.) And also maybe opt for that pesky plant-based option you see when you stop in for a quick bite somewhere... because it might just surprise you. And then brag about that, too!

Without further ado:

Here's where you can find vegan options around the nation.

Burger King
The Impossible Whopper

To make it vegan, just ask for no mayo - they're even willing to microwave it if the broiler common area freaks you out.

Del Taco
Beyond Taco, Beyond Avocado Taco, & Beyond Burrito

Just be sure to ask for no cheese or sour cream, depending on the item.

Carl's Jr.
Beyond Famous Star Burger

Be sure to ask for no cheese, no mayo!

Baskin Robbins
Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Chocolate Extreme

The cookie dough is even egg-free! Just ask for a cake cone if you're looking for an edible vegan vehicle for your non-dairy scoops of deliciousness.

Another soon-to-be-found corporate spots with new options includes Subway, with their Beyond Meatball Sub! Keep your eyes open for that one.

You can also find meatless meats at sit-down places like Red Robin (watch out for the Brioche bun, vegans), Tap & Burger, and lots of other local spots around the country. Heck, you could even request that they start supplying it!

Outside of the U.S., you can also find restaurants that are chains throughout America... but with vegan options you won't find here in the states. Domino's Australia, A&W in Canada, McDonald's throughout Europe, Subway in Aruba, and various others all have vegan menu items - be sure to give them a try, if you find yourself abroad. (And then tell me all about it, because I want to know what's out there!)

The world is becoming more and more abundant with vegan offerings. It's becoming less extreme to rationalize a vegan diet - and in fact, it may become mainstream, if things with the planet continue to take drastic turns.

In short - veganism and fake meats should be the least of our fears... An apocalypse is a lot scarier. So vote with your dollar to keep the demand for plant-based items, enjoy some fast food every now and then, and don't forget your reusables. 

After all, we're all just doing the best we can.

Know of a fast food find with vegan options in other areas of the world that are worth mentioning? Comment them down below!

Stay tuned for a vegan fast food review on YouTube with my girl Morgan from @veganindenver coming soon - and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter so you can hear about Foodie Finds, weekly!

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